The Therapeutic Dose.

extra use

A therapeutic dose is a dose in which you use Taiwan Chlorella extra

After you start with Taiwan Chlorella, you build it up to a maintenance dose. If you remain below this designated maintenance dose due to your body's reactions, this is your personal dose and it cannot yet be considered a therapeutic dose. Your personal dose is already therapeutic enough.

People who use the designated standard dose as a maintenance dose can increase it for a certain period of time to obtain certain additional effects and effects. We call this the therapeutic dose

How do you use a therapeutic dose?

A therapeutic dose consists of a double maintenance dose for a period of 14 days.
You build up the dose as you would a normal maintenance dose; step by step starting at 1/6 of your dose, then 2/6, 3/6 and so on. Until you get to your complete double dose. From that moment on, you keep it for 14 days. Then you go to your normal maintenance dose, so half. You do not have to reduce this, but you can simply halve the dose.

When do you use a therapeutic dose?

You use the therapeutic dose to further utilize the purifying power of Taiwan Chlorella. A second reason is that you use it to provide additional healing. The third reason is that you want to use extra nutritional ingredients such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Of course, you can also have a motivation for multiple reasons at the same time. In practice, this means that you use the therapeutic dose of Taiwan Chlorella in the following situations:

  • After an accident; After a sprain, fracture or more serious injury, your body is weakened, but still has to start the heroic process. Here you give your body extra strength, extra cleaning of the damaged tissue and extra healing.
  • After surgery; Every operation, no matter how minor, is accompanied by anesthesia and damage to the tissue involved. Here too, extra force is needed to repair and clean up the internal and external wound, but the chemical residues of anesthesia are also cleared up with a therapeutic dose.
  • After a serious illness; It goes without saying that after a serious illness you need all three aspects of Taiwan Chlorella. During a serious illness, you stick to the normal dose for guidance, because the tap is still open, so to speak, and you will not do extra cleaning until the illness is over.
  • After medication use; Medication use, such as antibiotic treatment or another treatment, leaves pollution in your body. Especially antibiotics because it also kills all supporting bacterial cultures in your intestines. The result is a true battlefield with rotting processes and mold growth. If you do not clean this up as quickly as possible, further consequences lie ahead.
  • After chemotherapy; This should be clear, because the pollution, damage and exhaustion that Chemo causes is unprecedented. You can also continue to use Taiwan Chlorella during chemo. You don't have to worry about the antioxidant effect making the chemo less effective
  • With chronic medication use; systematic pollution of your system is your greatest motivation here. By additionally using Taiwan Chlorella you ensure that your system receives a more intense cleaning.
  • Other reasons; of course there are many more situations in which you use a therapeutic dose. Situations that are somehow similar to the above.

In these ways you can use Taiwan Chlorella extra when you need it. We would like to add that you should not simply apply these instructions with another chlorella species. Only real pure and natural chlorella is suitable for this.

f you have any questions about the therapeutic dose, we would love to hear them.

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