What does the name Chlorella mean?
What exactly is Chlorella?
Can Chlorella cure cancer?
What is Chlorella Sorokiniana, king of the Chlorellas?
Chlorella Sorokiniana is an emerald green unicellular freshwater microalga. These are now widely recognized as the most potent whole foods on Earth. Chlorella's microscopic structure, barely larger than a human blood cell, contains more essential nutrients than any other nutrient.
How does Chlorella Sorokiniana work?
- Versterkt het immuunsysteem
- Provides balanced nutrition for optimal health.
- Absorbs and removes toxins and heavy metals
- Oxidates waste 'plaque' and fungal growth in the intestines
- Increases energy levels
- Increases your endurance
- Builds red blood cells
- Promotes and supports healing.
What is the best Chlorella?
The best Chlorella is Chlorella grown under the most ideal conditions. Including lots of sunlight, pure air, pure water, responsible cell wall breaking and it is very important that a selection is made in which only the best strains are used for cultivation. You can grow a lot of chlorella in a very short time, but it is of a very poor quality. There is a lot of commotion about the quality of Chlorella and often there is little knowledge behind the questions and claims. Much Chlorella is of low, even harmful quality or has dilutions and additions. Heavy metal contamination, chemical contamination, virus contamination, dilution, mixing, and low quality of operation are common abuses. 100% chlorella in a sales phrase may mean that 100% chlorella has been used for a dilution to 10%. So misleading. The Chlorella grown in tubes (Korea and Germany) is very pure, but lacks the two most important qualities why you take Chlorella. Namely chlorophyll and the cell wall. The lack of sunlight ensures that these two are hardly present. Taiwan Chlorella only grows the best strains, under high control and the best conditions. Our final product is 100% pure chlorella for a 100% dose. So no additions. Are we the best? We think so and therefore provide complete openness and information. If you find a better Chlorella based on the test reports, chlorophyll content and quality control and you have previously purchased from us, we will give you your money back.
Is Taiwan Chlorella the Chlorella that Mike Adams tested best?
Do you also ship to Italy, Greece or Hungary?
How can Taiwan Chlorella's DNA and RNA repair our own DNA?
The repair of our DNA is not about the protein, but about the nucleid acid part of DNA and RNA. The nucleic acid portion of chlorella is 4%. This is the highest percentage of all plants. This specific piece ensures that essential amino acids are configured into new healthy DNA and RNA structures. This part prevents premature aging and degenerative processes.
How does chlorophyll cleanse the intestines?
How is it possible that cells can rejuvenate or even a cancer situation can improve through Chlorella?
What is the role of the cell wall?
The cell wall is made of proteins that bind heavy metals. The cell wall is not digested by the body, but excreted. In this way, heavy metals are also removed from your body. An artificial Chlorella without a thick cell wall does not remove heavy metals. Taiwan Chlorella does
How is the cell wall of Taiwan Chlorella broken?
Where is Taiwan Chlorella grown?
Taiwan Chlorella wordt gekweekt op 2 plaatsen in Taiwan. In het noorden en in het zuiden. Beide gebieden zijn berggebieden met een zeer zuivere luchtkwaliteit. Waardoor vervuiling vanuit de lucht te verwaarlozen is.
What is the difference between powder and tablets?
What is a therapeutic dose?
How do I start taking?
During your build-up, make sure that you do not experience any reactions such as constipation, diarrhea or headache. These are not side effects, but signs that Taiwan Chlorella is having too much effect. You then take your dose back a step. Until these effects disappear. You then keep this reduced dose for a week and then increase it again
Can you also take too much chorella?
Are there known negative reactions?
Constipation: In some cases, constipation occurs when you first start taking Chlorella for a short period of time. In this case we recommend reducing the dose until this passes. This has to do with the purification, which then works sooner than the restoration of peristalsis. Over time this will balance out.
Wheezing or flatulence: Flatulence in the beginning is very normal. When waste products are burned in your intestines, gases are released that come out as a fart.
Due to the purifying effect, you can have all kinds of minor side effects that indicate the good effect. But like medicines, there are no real 'side effects' and it generally works very mildly.
Should I take other supplements besides chlorella?
Does Taiwan Chlorella contain iodine?
When do you take CGF and why is it so expensive?
How do I determine my maintenance dose?
If you are lighter or heavier, the dose will decrease or increase in percentage
What is the best way to measure the powder? How do I know how many grams I take?
Should I stop taking Chlorella occasionally?
Habituation to a product only occurs when there is a negative feedback loop in the body, such as with hormonal products, or when neurological sedation or activation occurs, such as with coffee, nicotine and various medications. Chlorella is a food product that is normally digested, nourishes, cleanses and repairs.
Protein accumulation is an incidental process to disease. such as Alzheimer's, bone marrow cancer and type 2 diabetes. It is called amyloidosis and is caused by a disruption between the build-up and breakdown of proteins in your body. It's not something you can get from eating too much protein. The content of Chlorella does not consist of proteins, but of amino acids; the building blocks of proteins.